A Window into the Nature of Revival

While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message. 45 The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on Gentiles. 46 For they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God. Acts 10:44-46

Brothers & Sisters,

Revival will not follow our displays nor quick step itself on our terms. We must be willing to let go of our tightly woven unbiblical expectations, preconceived worldly methods and presumptuous clock management. The choreography of the Holy Spirit is an endless supply of creativity, spontaneity and specificity. How can anyone read the gospels, the Book of Acts, or the great revivals of the Old Testament and advertise a revival? Like the apostolic teams in Acts, we must be currently under the Lordship of Jesus and the corresponding powerful leadership of the Spirit while speaking a word from the Heavenly Father on earth to His people with the evidence of His manifest presence.

Revival is not the result of spastically, statistically or demographically moving heaven to do something , but rather the Spirit of God falling upon and filling His often lifeless, smoldering beleaguered people with a fiery resurrection love and God-optimism. Revival then takes hold in consistently surrendered obedience to His will, personal character transformation and a community engagement to turn the world upside down with the gospel.

Revival has come when the leaders of the church have nothing to say because the people have become the sermon and the symphony of the Holy Spirit! The accurate anointed preaching of the  Word of God becomes the sturdy river bed of the Holy Spirit to refresh, restore and release  the people of God into the dry deserts of humanity.

Revival, God breathing His life into the human spirit, soul and body, often penetrates before the message is completed. The altar is the human heart not only the front of the church. The revival we desperately need is among those perhaps we would not include in our missional strategy and war rooms. The target of the Holy Spirit is obedience on behalf of those who need to obey the gospel. We know we have tapped the wells of heaven when the preacher stops speaking and the band stops singing to listen to the congregation supernaturally speak to God, for God and about the Majesty of God!

Revival is not simply a stage performance but the combined total of every member speaking and serving God together under the direction of the Triune God!

You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. 3 You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. (2 Corinthians 3:2-3)

Author: swimmingmonk1980

Follower of Jesus for 40 years; Married 35 years; Father of 5; a continual recipient of God's saving grace; a contemplative; enjoy nature; eventually I overcome reluctance and take risks; the greatest joy is strengthening others by helping them become fully aware of the presence, power, purpose and purity of Jesus on their behalf

10 thoughts on “A Window into the Nature of Revival”

  1. Jeff it was so very refreshing to see you and hang out with you after so many many years! Thanking God for this
    time and thank you for making the trip to see us. I read your article and realize you need to keep writing and bringing your bread to the table for us all to share ? Here is my small dinner roll to give to share, perhaps some of us have lost our way…let us return then? love and hugs….

    1. Shampa, thank you for taking the time to read this reflection on Revival. Also, the link to the song about “take me back to first love” by Steve Fry is the source of revival…beautiful.

  2. Amen Jeff!
    This morning I was pondering The Lordship of Christ.
    The Triune is so amazing, The Father has given all to The Son (Jesus), and then the advent of The Holy Spirit. Together, The Triune leads us to daily transformation, placing us in awe, allowing us to echo the words of The Apostle Thomas, “My God and my Lord.”
    But Revelation is always most profound when Christ is revealed in the areas of our doubt, unbelief, and trouble.
    He comes to us, not to rub our noses in the crap of our lives, but to show us Himself, to show us Christ The Victor.
    Yes, revival can’t be marketed, and revival won’t be marketed… It is something that happens when we, like those who have gone before us, are present with our doubt, unbelief, and trouble. It is then that The Triune can breakthrough the locked chambers of our life and culture, allowing us The Grace to encounter Christ The Victor.

    1. John, I like your emphasis on the Lordship of Jesus and the advent of the Spirit. As Paul said somewhere , “ nobody can say, ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit.” Great word!

  3. “Revival has come when the leaders of the church have nothing to say because the people have become the sermon and the symphony of the Holy Spirit!”

    This is some of your best writing and speaking, Jeff. Just wow!

    Keep writing bro!

  4. True & true; especially when preachers and laymen begin to hear the preamble of the Holy Spirit’s calling. We must be listening as well praying for the word.

    1. Hawk, I like this idea of “the preamble of the Holy Spirit”. We must be listening for the intent and purpose of the Word of Life and the Spirit of Life revealed in the Scripture. Revival is the continual symphonic flow of the Word of God and the Spirit of God in our hearts and community. Open our ears Father to hear the song of heaven!

  5. “Revival has come when the leaders of the church have nothing to say because the people have become the sermon and the symphony of the Holy Spirit!” Let it be, Lord Jesus. We seek you and you alone.

    1. Imagine Peter, the outspoken apostle to the Jews, becoming quiet to listen to the Gentiles glorify God…we preachers find it tough to listen and yield control…helps us Jesus…thanks Pat for underlining this truth!

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