Be careful with embracing this devotion and putting it into practice. Why? You might end up somewhere you never expected, but you will be where you belong.
(Greetings in Jesus Christ from Sofia, Bulgaria. I just finished two weeks in Northern Iraq among the Kurds. Over the next 3-months I will be traveling to serve the saints at three strategic geo-political-spiritual gates. They are Kurdistan/Gateway to the Middle/Near East; Sofia, Bulgaria Gateway to Europe; and Israel Gateway to the Nations.)
Recently, this verse below from Proverbs has been boiling in my spirit and producing an overflowing expectation for greater glory. Each day we have an opportunity to grow in our experiential knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus, the Anointed One, the High Priest and the Apostle of our confession.
Yes, “deep darkness” is covering the earth, BUT the eternal life and light of the Spirit of Jesus is burning in the Lampstand of the churches throughout the earth. We must know Him in secret places and paths to make Him known in the public places and paths.
The path of the righteous is like the morning sun,shining ever brighter till the full light of day. Proverbs 4:18
Imagine with me, everyday you can “behold” a facet of God’s radiant and complex glory. This glory of God, in the face of Christ, is beheld in a sacred moment. Transformation can happen when you become aware of His burning presence focusing upon you in holy love. Moses’ “burning bush” prompted him to turn aside to “behold” the glory of God and begin a life altering conversation. I truly believe if we are not careful, we might unknowingly walk by these “burning bush” moments each day. I pray for myself and each of you that we will become more keenly aware of the burning Holy Spirit of love toward us in your daily routines. May His Presence change you, fill you and commission you with His peace to your troubled world.
Sanctification in Christ is a position, a process and a progress. True sanctification begins with His gaze upon us and progresses with our gaze upon Him (Heb.12:1-2). If sanctification is simply a ‘position’,nothing is permanently changing in our character; oh yes we are saved, but becoming righteous involves death to our self-life and obedient faith. If sanctification is only a ‘process’ then we wander in circles like Israel in the wilderness of Sinai, the scenery may change but for the most part we may or may not. If sanctification was only ‘progress’, we may win or we seem to advance but with a lack of love, humility or peace.

Ultimately, sanctification is not simply an important sound doctrine to help explain the will of God to become righteous in our morality, in our daily service and in our mission. Rather, true sanctification is the sum total of a divine encounter with the Image of God, Jesus Christ resulting in permanent unfading radical transformation, a “glory” that does not fade over time. Paul said,
16 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:16-18)
The beauty of transformational sanctification (aka, glorification) is it occurs in real world (carnal, cultural, spiritual) real time (chronos & kairos) and real space (earthly & heavenly). In eternity, our sanctification began when the eyes and face of the Father lovingly fixed on us to be chosen and predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son (Eph.1:3-4; Rom.8:29-30). In time and space, by grace sanctification begins with the work of the Holy Spirit in a intensely pressurized private place deep in the human heart and soul. This work continues to emerge publicly bearing the fruit and gifts of the Spirit. This restoration is consummated at end of the age when our lowly body is permanently transformed into a resurrection body likened unto the first-fruits of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, replete with the fullness of His joy.
9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,
10 because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead,
nor will you let your faithful[b] one see decay.
11 You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:9-11
Maranatha and may your path burn brightly today with His Presence,
P.S. Thanks to my friend George H., who has encouraged me to start blogging again.
Jeff my friend, you are right on my brother, your pondering is brilliant ! Lately I have been drawn into His presence and realizing that is all we need to search/seek with such deep hunger than ever before. I am reminded of the song “For I am changed in the presence of a Holy God” ! Unless you and myself do not embrace transformation we are simply stuck eating stale yesterday’s bread (word)” ?
I for one am severely desperate to embrace/search like the early Americans who left comfort/family/stability and traveled to unknown distances for gold, I have read so many of those men’s life, where they endangered the lives of their precious wife and kids and dragged them along only to lose most of them on the way. WHY ? what caused these men to abandon all that was familiar to them and chose the unfamiliar ? Strangely almost none gave up after facing violence, watching their loved ones murdered, yet the passion for gold overtook all human emotions?
Jeff can we abandon all human passion and embrace this divine passion for His presence ?! I would like to volunteer, I am sure I will fail most times, I will still keep trying 🙂
shampa mum
Shampa, thank you for commenting. I too am desperate for the transformation only found in the presence of the holy love of God. God is a “consuming fire” and His fire seeks to remove all barriers and impurities that keep us from His love. I know I have mixed within me so much impurity, I must “consider joy”in all “fiery trials” and buy from Him gold refined in this fire.
Brendon and I are grateful your friend George encouraged you to write again, Jeff. Your voice is clear and much needed; especially now. May the blessed bride of Christ lean into sanctification, with ears to hear his voice and eyes to truly “behold” him. God bless your journey with grace, peace, power and health.
Brendon & Pat, you are special vessels of honor and friends. By grace, He is not done with us yet!