Read Matthew 4:1-25
This narrative by Matthew reveals the marks or evidences of living a life yielded to the Holy Spirit. I have included an old journal entry from a couple of years ago for your perusal. I used the word “LED” Matthew 4:1. However, I then found where the word “LED” is used by Luke in his gospel in reference to the life of Jesus being “LED” by the Spirit.
The Leadership of the Holy Spirit is not a bed of roses nor is it always a bed nails.
The first time I hugged my wife I fell over a railing into a prickly rose bed. As Cheri picked out the thorns in my arm and side, the Holy Spirit told me our relationship would be both a fragrance and painful. He led us into our marriage but warned us it would not be easy but it would be rewarding. We have experienced great joy and sorrow…this is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire in relationships…mingled joy and sorrow!
Surely the Spirit will lead us beside a ‘still waters and restore our soul’. He will also lead us to stop destructive behavior or attitudes that can destroy our soul. The Spirit will lead us to seasons of solitude and intense relationship. The Spirit can’t be controlled, but He requires our self-control or yielded-ness. We may be led to a bloody field of courage or a green pasture of retreat. The Holy Spirit will lead us into the AWE of God.
Now is the Time to board the ship of Jesus Christ and open the sails to a fresh wind of the Spirit to carry us forward to new lands, new horizons and new challenges.

How do you know when you are “high”? Under-the-influence.
I was HIGH in the Sierra Nevada Mountains several times as a teenager growing up in Northern California in the 1970’s. The summer of 1980 I graduated from high school and our seniorclass celebrated by going to Hawaii for $600. However, my closest five friends (4 swimmer’s and a hockey player) we went back packing for $60 in Desolation Wilderness in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Yes, I did inhale… a lot. I will never forget catching a Golden Trout in the above timberline Mary’s Lake. We hopped through glacier fields, fished in lakes and streams, and built campfires together. One night we freaked out that our campsite was being invaded by fresh water crawdads. When ‘under the influence’ everything around you seems so raw and primordial. You endanger yourself and others, but in that moment of impaired judgement you are often more willing to take risks OR you can become paranoid. I never did hard drugs just marijuana and alcohol. The physical evidence of being ‘HIGH’ was blood-shot eyes, euphoria, extreme hunger, laughter, desire to hang out with others, dreaming about the future etc. You may say things and do things under normal circumstances you would never say or do. Basically, when you are high on drugs or alcohol you have yielded yourself to an outside stimulant or depressant to get INSIDE you and influence your thinking and behavior. If you are not careful, this can lead to disastrous results and lifelong addictions or it can just be a phase of life that is discarded like old clothes that you have outgrown.
Thankfully, in January of 1981 I went on a Youth Retreat to the Sierra Nevada’s. I had been recently born again and had just quit swimming in college a couple of weeks earlier. This act of obedience (See December 31, 2019 Sink or Swim? Blog) enabled me to attend the retreat. This gathering in the mountains changed the course of my life forever. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit by Jesus Christ while I was in a pre-service prayer meeting with my Youth Pastor John Baffert and my good friend Kerry Kingsland. I was praying for individuals in the youth group and a burden came on me for one of the girls in the group. As I prayed I begin to feel intensity in me and heat come upon me and I began to weep. The weeping and burden then became a stream of communication to the Father with very simple words that I thought sounded like a foreign language. John told me what was happening and I was filled with life and joy and peace. I felt as though I was completely new and nothing mattered but what God was doing in my life…nothing mattered but Him and how I could help others. The evening gathering started with some songs of praise. John then asked me to share with everyone (about 40 people) what happened to me during prayer. As I began to talk about my experience the floodgates of heaven opened in me and above me and I was totally immersed by Jesus in the Holy Spirit. I began to tremble and weep as my heart was overflowing and thoughts began to fill my mind with a prophetic word (I did not know it was a prophesy). God was so near to me, He was IN me and wanting to communicate His words to His people. So I began to prophesy, “I am Jesus Christ, I am the Resurrection and Life, I am the God of the Living. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!” When I finished proclaiming this, it was like a storm moved into the room and people began to weep and cry and pray. People were kneeling, sitting, standing and laying on the ground as God’s Spirit swept through the room. Many began to pray in tongues and pray in English. We started praying for each other and it was like a river had filled a Wadi and washed us down into a pile of wood floating down a river together. I will never forget several hours later sitting on a bench by a window with Steve Roberts (now a retired Army Chaplain) and we were so filled with joy and laughter because we could not speak in English to each other even though we tried! Every single person in that gathering was filled with the Spirit of God, some for the first time. The one gentleman did not manifest supernatural communication with and or for God, Burt, had an open vision. Burt saw a shaft of light come down from heaven and settle on my head while I was prophesying. In the shaft of light, he saw giant drops of rain descending one drop at a time from heaven.
Thankfully, I learned early in my Christian experience that there are three primary Baptism’s for the follower of Jesus:1. Baptism into the Body of Jesus Christ. Through the New Birth the Holy Spirit places us into the Body of Jesus, the Church, as an individual vital member and minister (Eph.4). The initial Evidence is we want to fellowship and serve alongside other Christians.2. Baptism in Water. The minister baptizes us in physical water. The Evidence is we get wet!3. Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Jesus baptizes us in the Holy Spirit and fire. The Evidence is we receive supernatural power to communicate the Gospel in love. I spoke in tongues (and still do) and prophesied. This watershed moment is meant to become a river of purpose, power, and purity by God’s Spirit.
The key is we need to CONTINUALLY be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:15-21). The truth is you may have been “baptized in the Holy Spirit” 38 years ago or 1 year ago but you’re not currently “filled with the Spirit”. Oh my friend, you are INDWELT by the Holy Spirit as a Christian, but are you currently in tune, in step, UNDER THE INFLUENCE Of THE HOLY SPIRIT? My father-in-law pointed out many years ago, “you are like a glass, when you get bumped what comes out is what you are filled with.”
Our story in Matthew 4 begins with the narrative that Jesus ‘after he was baptized by John in the River Jordan, was then filled with the Spirit (according to Luke 4:1) and was led about the wilderness by the Spirit. After Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days, the Gospel of Luke records, “And Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about Him spread through the entire surrounding district. And He began teaching in their synagogues and was praised by all” (Luke 4:14-15).
Jesus is our example of living for the glory of God the Father. Anyone truly “born of God” has an innate desire to know God, obey God and please God. Jesus said it this way, “if you love Me, obey my commandments.”
Matthew 4 through the lenses of the life of Jesus reveals several EVIDENCES of being High in the Spirit…filled with the Spirit …led by the Holy Spirit.
• The Evidence of Opposition (Matt.4:1-11)
Opposition is often a clear indication that you are being led by God’s Spirit. My beloved father-in-law, an International Pentecostal preacher for 60 years, often said, “What is theEVIDENCE of being baptized in the Holy Spirit?…TROUBLE!” Keep in mind, God will also “oppose” us because of our pride. We need Divine Permission…Divine Leadership to enter this warfare wilderness.
You younger men, likewise, be subject to your elders; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you. Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, firm in your faith,” (1 Peter 5:6-9)
Spiritual warfare is not an option for the Christian. Confrontation with an adversary should not just be expected but provoke our preparation. We must walk in humility. The image employed here by Peter is that of a slave washing the feet of the Master’s guest(s). Jesus himself put on a slaves apron and washed His disciples feet the night of Passover and His betrayal. He washed the feet of Judas, who would soon be filled with Satan and use his feet to guide the Jewish religious authorities and Roman soldiers to arrest Jesus in Gethsemane under the cover of night. We must be awake and sober. Isolation is also a ploy of the Devil. In our narrative Jesus was “led” into the lonely wilderness “to be tempted by the Devil.” Too often our ISOLATION is our own stupidity, and the devil pounces on us like a African lion on an unsuspecting water buffalo.
The Holy Spirit leads us to know and understand WHAT IS WRITTEN to prepare us for the inevitable temptation. We must know accurately the word of God before the war!
• The Evidence of a Home Base and a Divine Message(Matt.4:12-17)
Jesus filled with the Spirit and power had a home church in Capernaum and a Divine Message.
Jesus was LED to withdraw into Galilee because of the arrest of his cousin John. Hostility had built in Judea toward John because of John’s calling out Herod’s adulterous relationship. In Nazareth (where he was raised) the citizens were at first “speaking well” of Jesus. However, they were a bit cynical thinking to themselves, “Is this not Joseph’s son?”. Jesus performed a miracle in the synagogue of Nazareth. His teaching and healing were met with resistance and unbelief in his hometown. In fact Luke writes they were “filled with rage” and they “led” him to the brow of a cliff and intended to toss Jesus to His death (Luke 4:28-29). Jesus’ knew His hour of death was not to be in Nazareth but in Jerusalem in the future, so he passed through the crowed unharmed.
Popularity may or may not be evidence that you are following the lead of the Holy Spirit. We must have discernment to avoid unnecessary conflict and or the lure of popularity.
Jesus then “SETTLED” in Capernaum with a home base out of Peter’s house which was the street from the synagogue. The House Church movement began at this juncture in the history of the church. The idea behind “settle” is to have an address, somewhere your reside. In order for you and I to get a drivers license we have to have a permanent address, somewhere we can verify that we live.
Here are some examples how this word for “settle” (Gk. Katoikeo) is used in the New Testament. All these point to a place of belonging or possession.
*God “settled” in Jerusalem in the Temple (Matt.23:21)
*The fullness of the God head “dwelt” in Christ (Col.1:19)
*Christ and through the Holy Spirit “settles” or “dwells” in the heart of the believer (Eph.3:17;James 4:5)
*Demons “dwell” or “possessing” a man (Matt.12:45)
SPECIFICITY: A follower of Jesus has a place they call home and they have a specific message.
Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! (Matt.4:17)
• The Evidence of an Intense Desire to Fellowship and Pour Your Life Into Others (Matt. 4:18-20)
This evidence kind of follows along the line of recognizing a specific home church that you belong. However, we all know you can attend church but not be truly in meaningful relationships within that church community. I have been aSenior Pastor, an elder and a congregant in churches. I have also been ABSENT from the local church for seasons. I know that ATTENDING church does not been you are SERVING or PARTICIPATING in the life of that church. We can become experts at ducking responsibility and accountability in the body of Christ. I remember a season I was attending a church and some of the most loving brothers were pursuing me because they honestly loved me and cared about me. They liked me and even were interested in learning from me. However, I was filled with so much “church pain” I finally and basically said to a dear brother over coffee, “I don’t want to change for anyone but God.” My wife told these friends “Jeff does not want to be man-handled”. WOE…that was my pivot to some pretty rough roads for next couple of years. What sounded so spiritual and in tune with God and God-alone was really the voice of satanic pride that led me to isolation and near destruction. We need each other to “change”. If you don’t believe that you had better take inventory of yourself and repent of pride.
When Jesus called John and his brother James, the Scripture says they were “mending” their nets (Matt.4:21). This word is such a powerful foreshadow and picture of the ministry of the Apostles. This same word “mending” (Katarizo) is translated “equipping” of the Christian for the work ministry (Eph.4:12). In Galatians 6:1, KATARIZO is used to describe a fallen Christians who needs to be restored. The idea here is medical imagery of bone or joint being reset and healed to fully function again. In Luke 6:40, KATARIZO is used to the process and progression of true discipleship. A teacher “equipping” with instruction and living life together with his or her students to bring about transformation in order for them to then replicate the paradigm. Discipleship was never intended to be solely in an academic setting or relegated to a pulpit or program in the church. True discipleship was modeled by Jesus around the Sea of Galilee with his disciples. He modeled and they watched. He “mended” men and women. He then let them do what He did while He watched. Then He left and let them continue His work in the power of the Spirit
.• The Evidence of Truth and Power and Spreading the Influence of God’s Goodness (Matt.4:23-25)
A Spirit-filled follower of Jesus will walk in both truth, power. The Spirt-filled believer will release an overall DIVINE VIBE that the ‘goodness’ and grace of God is the most powerful force on planet earth! People are exposed to the goodness of God through us and this goodness leads to repentance. People get saved by God’s grace around Spirit-filled and led Christians. As we cleave closely to the goodness of God we will witness the defeat of evil. As we follow closely the leadership of God’s Spirit we will always find a reason to rejoice even in the most difficult of circumstances because we know God’s Goodness does not retreat in the face of anything but charges ahead to victorious transformation of our lives and those around us! The love of God pouring through the believer will be manifest in proclaiming in word and deed the presence of Jesus. I see the triad of this verse as Revelation, Demonstration, and Transformation. We need a Truth-encounter and a Power-encounter with the living God. Jesus, according to Luke, was filled and driven by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness (Luke 4:1). Jesus fasted, prayed and obeyed for 40 days. Luke then records, Jesus came OUT OF THE WILDENERNESS IN THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT and began to do good works, preach, tick people off, disciple others, heal the sick and cast out demons (Luke 4:14-15).
“You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, announcing the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all. 37 You know what has happened throughout the province of Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached— 38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing goodand healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him”. (Acts 10:36-38).
• The Evidence of Holiness, Genuine Prayer and Intimacy with the Father (Romans 8:12-17)
“ So then, brethren, we are under obligation, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh— 13 for if you are living according to the flesh, you [f]must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14 For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 15 For you have not received a spirit of slavery [g]leading to fear again, but you have received [h]a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, “Abba! Father!” 16 The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.”
Wow…this is power pact load of transformative truth. The EVIDENCES revealed her have more to do with SANCTIFICATION, the process by which the Christian BECOMES RIGHTEOUS! We are justified freely by the grace of God. We are sanctified by the person and work of the Holy Spirit in us. The evidence we are being led by the Spirit in our sanctification is taught in these verses. We know we are cooperating with the Holy Spirit
*New Impulses (Romans 8:12) You are have a new sense of freedom to be governed by God’s ways, His heart and impulses.
*New Behavior (Romans 8:13) You Sin Less! The doctrine of mortification teaches us we are “putting to death the deeds of the body”.
*New Leadership (Romans 8:14) We are sons of God and we seek to be led by the Spirit of God in our motives and choices.
*Fearless Love to Draw Near to the Father in Dependence and Prayer (Romans 8:15-16)
*The Assurance of Salvation (Romans 8:16). We no longer fear damnation. On the contrary, the Spirit of God communicates that we belong to the Father and He will lead us through this life to a heavenly home prepared for us in heaven.
*The Best is Always Yet to Come (Romans 8:17) As “heirs” we will receive all God the Father has freely given us in Christ. Our full redemption and inheritance is yet to be possessed.
Father, we are so very grateful you recorded the life of your Son Jesus in the Gospels. He is our example of a life lived “well-pleasing” to You. We realize how far we fall short of following His example. We cry out for mercy and grace to intercept our misguided attempts to be effective. We specifically ask you will teach us the difference between being led by the Spirit and led by our best intentions. We do not need good intentions, but we need Your Good Spirit to pervade our spirit, our heart, our will, our emotions, our thoughts and the deeds of our body. Immerse us in the lifestyle born of God and continually filled with the love of God and obedient faith to produce the fruit that brings you into forefront of our lives and those around us. AMEN