Acts 27:23-28:6
23 For this very night there stood before me an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I worship, 24 and he said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul; you must stand before Caesar. And behold, God has granted you all those who sail with you.’ 25 So take heart, men, for I have faith in God that it will be exactly as I have been told. 26 But we must run aground on some island.”
27 When the fourteenth night had come, as we were being driven across the Adriatic Sea, about midnight the sailors suspected that they were nearing land. 28 So they took a sounding and found twenty fathoms. A little farther on they took a sounding again and found fifteen fathoms. 29 And fearing that we might run on the rocks, they let down four anchors from the stern and prayed for the day to come…42 The soldiers’ plan was to kill the prisoners, so that none of them would swim away and escape; 43 but the centurion, wanting to bring Paul safely through, kept them from their intention, and commanded that those who could swim should jump overboard first and get to land, 44 and the rest should follow, some on planks, and others on various things from the ship. And so it happened that they all were brought safely to land…28 When they had been brought safely through, then we found out that the island was called Malta. 2 The natives showed us extraordinary kindness; for because of the rain that had set in and because of the cold, they kindled a fire and received us all. 3 But when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire, a viper came out because of the heat and fastened itself on his hand.4 When the natives saw the creature hanging from his hand, they began saying to one another, “Undoubtedly this man is a murderer, and though he has been saved from the sea, justice has not allowed him to live.” 5 However he shook the creature off into the fire and suffered no harm. 6 But they were expecting that he was about to swell up or suddenly fall down dead. But after they had waited a long time and had seen nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and began to say that he was a god.

*Orazio Alfani (Perugia, 1510 – Rome, 1583) and Leonardo Cungi (Sansepolcro, ? d.pre-1569) – The Shipwreck of Paul on the Island of Malta
The journey of the believer often involves sounding the depths like an ancient mariner. The challenge of sailing is both the water and the land…LAND AHOY!!! Thank God for lighthouses, GPS, fog horns and well marked harbors with deep water ports! The Scripture in James (the Lord’s brother) commands the Christian not to play around in the shallow waters of “double-mindedness” (Jm.1:8), which literally means “two-souled”. James bellows like a fog horn warning the Christian to not body-surf in the waves of friendship with the world (Jm.4:4) and in the kingdom of God… the risk of friend-SHIP with the world is you can end up dashed to pieces on the rocks soul-filled ruin or dragged to sea in a vicious deadly rip-tide of fear and unbelief. The time is always right to launch out into the depths of God’s love and say goodbye to the shoreline of syncretistic alliances with worldliness.

Paul’s oceanic odyssey from Jerusalem to Rome encountered deadly unexpected detours. Lucidly, Paul was not double-minded but clear on his missional work. God’s purpose can NEVER be guided by a democratic process, a bank statement, a biased pollster or the fickle winds of popularity. The crushing power of raging abyssal storms, nor the venomous fangs of a deadly viper (Acts 28:3), can snuff out the light of physical life in a man or woman of God who have not finished their race of ministry. Prophetically, Paul knew eventually they would get to Rome, but the ship would be lost.
Metaphorically (in some cases literally), The remarkable truth is ‘detours’ can release a new level of worship replete with opportunities to serve others who need to be strengthened with courage or may have never known the goodness of God. The island of Malta was reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our losses can be converted into heavens gains! Deviations from our original course can frantically summon ‘all hands are on deck’.
Bended knee to the Lord, in willful surrender does not mean sticking our heads in the sands of denial like an ostrich. Worship often requires “sounding the depths” to determine how shallow the water is to avoid being shipwrecked if at all possible. Christian realism is important to fulfilling our ministry to worship and serve the Most High God. Philosophically, I consider myself a realistic-Optimist. Things often get worse before they get better (Rom.8:28). Evil may seem to win the day but God’s goodness will ultimately eternally triumph over evil and depravity (Rom.12:21). I am not a dualist and categorically reject it. Dualism allows a Star Wars-ish approach to spirituality…Good and Evil dual forever with no clear decisive victory. The Scripture is very clear, Hell or the Lake of Fire is not open for business yet, but be assured the devil and his armies will be the first to be sent to the flames of eternal punishment by the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords (Rev.20:10).
Sometimes we should seriously attempt to determine the odds of our survival and pull on every resource. A bug-out-bag is wise in this dangerous day we are living in. Life, as we have known it, can evaporate like a blanket of San Francisco fog. Our sense of direction can be challenged during a crisis. Our emotions can be hijacked or driven off course by events, people and unseen forces. The hurricanes, jet streams, pandemic, fires, political unrest, unemployment , sickness and circumstances can drive us toward an uncertain end. The year 2020 has been a gigantic storm that has changed the direction of our vulnerable global village. Nearly everyone touted the “year of 20/20″ as the year of ‘Vision’…2020 has only proven our short-sightedness or even our blindness. Listen closely to Jesus in Revelation 3:
17 Because you say, “I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,” and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, 18 I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see”.
Current life in the United States feels a bit like the passengers, crew or prisoners tossed about on the deck of the Paul’s Alexandrian ship drifting toward destruction on the rocks of Malta. We are all in this USA-ship together and the defining moments will be determined by men and women who distinguish themselves as worshippers of God and have mastered the art of prayer during the crisis.
What kind of ‘ships’ wreck? Friendships, Stewardship, Companionship, Passengership, Fellowship, Musicianship, Courtship, Bipartisanship, Discipleship, Sportsmanship, Dictatorship, Churchmanship, Apprenticeships…fill in the blank_______________!!!
Brokenness in life is unavoidable. Wreckage in our heart and soul can pile up like a wreck yard. However, God promises His healing presence in the midst of hard-ship…
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” Psalm 34:18 NLT.
{Click Link Below to View How to Worship during a Shipwreck!}
The hour we are living in desperately needs men and women of all ages to be mighty in the Holy Spirit and mighty in the Holy Scripture. By faith we must see God and His clear purpose even in the midst of the storm, bringing audacious words of undiluted truth…” all may be lost, but all will be saved” (Acts 27:22) to live another day. A Great Harvest of souls will be reaped along with a Great-falling away from the faith in this season.
“Sounding” is a derivative from the English word “sund”, meaning swimming, water or sea; there is no relation to the word ‘sound’ in the sense of noise or tones, but rather to sound, a geographical term (Oxford Eng. Dictionary, 2nd ed).

Practically, and in light of our biblical narrative, “sounding the depths” is trying to find land under water to avoid running aground, to find a safe harbor or to map the invisible floor terrain of a large body of water. Acts 27:23 highlights Paul belongs to and ‘worships” God. Paul knew he “belonged” to the Father. Paul believed he was so valuable that even a hurricane could not blow him of course from the Father’s will. Deep Worship is often born in the eye-of-the-storm. Peace is found in the arms of the Father !
I think Prayer is the child of worship. Worshippers pray in the Spirit in all seasons and in the truth (Eph.6:18). Worship with prayer is the way a Christian sounds the depths finding godly solutions to determine the best course of action. Paul’s worshipful heart, along with Luke and Aristarchus, changed the atmosphere from fear and hopelessness to courage, faith and prayerfulness.
What is worship? Worship is a graceful dance between a ‘ bended knee’ and an ‘extended hand’. What do I mean? There are two different words in the original language of the New Testament translated worship and/or service. The majority of what I know to be true about the vital connection between ‘worship” and ‘serve’ I have learned from my wife Cheri. She can drop on a dime to enter into deep adoration and prayer. On the other hand, like Martha, she wholeheartedly loves serving in whatever capacity is needed. She is God-centered but people-oriented.
Worship: proskyneo– (from 4314 /prós, “towards” and kyneo, “to kiss“) – properly, to kiss the ground when prostrating before a superior; to worship, ready “to fall down/prostrate oneself to adore on one’s knees” (DNTT); to “do obeisance” (BAGD).
Serve: latreúō- (from latris, “someone hired to accomplish a technical task because qualified“) – properly, to render technical, acceptable service because specifically qualified (equipped). See Romans 12:1.
Matthew 4:10 Then Jesus *said to him, “Go, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship (proskyneo) the Lord your God, and serve (latreúō) Him only.’” 11 Then the devil *left Him; and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him
Worship (proskyneo) is the fragrant expensive unique perfume released when an individual presents themselves prostrate or sitting at the feet of Jesus, the Incarnate God, in simple devotion to listen, adore and learn from the Master-Teacher. Two examples of this worship are the weeping sinner (Lk.7:38) and the contemplative Mary (Lk.10:39; Jn.11:2). In Babylon, Daniel bowed down toward Jerusalem in worship and prayer 3-times per day. Worship or service (latreúō) is also 3-men standing on the deck of a storm-tossed ship in the black of the starless night proclaiming they are servants of God and have a job to do in Rome. Hall of Fame football coach Bill Belichick of the six-time Super Bowl Champions developed a very simple culture of victory which demanded every player, coach and staff member to simply, “DO YOUR JOB”!
The Father has poured out His Spirit into our hearts so we can bow before Him in loving submission. Next, we rise to walk and stand in loving courageous obedience in the midst of great adversity and opposition. 70% of Americans don’t like their job, we can in fact “Love our job”! I think perhaps the biggest challenge is many Christians don’t know what their job is. My job has been boiled down to this fundamental assignment by the Holy Spirit…”strengthen your brethren”. I clearly know if I am not bowing in submission my heart, my head, my mind, my soul and body, eventually I withdraw my hand of service. If we don’t kiss the Son, we will not bless the people, missing opportunities to be beacons of hope in a chaotic world. Mature worship integrates the heart, the head and the body. Passion, intellect and service are the pillars of fully flowered worship. Let me say it another way,
“Worship is never heartless, nor headless, nor faceless, nor handless”
Worship is like a fine exquisite wine blended with ‘being’ and ‘doing’. Our stride for Christ must be rooted in our call to abide in Christ. Heart and hand move in perfect symphonic love of the Father for your neighbor, for your wife, for your children, for your friends, for the sinner and even your enemies.
This particular view of Worship stretches our understanding beyond the preferred integration of instruments, timelines, songs, preaching, programs, small groups, large gatherings, religious calendars etc…”boy we are really worshipping now!” Our preferences of ‘worship’ style in our church has very little to do with the true nature of Worship. Worship is primarily what happens before we arrive and after we leave the parking lot.
Currently, my favorite patriarch is Jacob. In particular, the brief commentary or summation of Jacob’s life found in Hebrews 11:21, “By faith Jacob, as he was dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, and worshiped(proskyneo) , leaning on the top of his staff.” These sixteen words (koine greek) are so sweeping in their scope and application to authentic worship. The narrative of Jacob’s life in Genesis 27-37 is the longest of all patriarchs. If you include, the chapters of Joseph bringing Jacob and his family to Egypt you could and several more chapters. Hebrews summarizes Jacob’s 147 years in a single sentence. The words chiseled into the tombstone of Jacob was,

Jacob’s life teaches us 4-essential requirements to worship God!
Faith- A great bible teacher, Dr. Gene Scott, defined Hebrews 11 ‘faith’ with an acronym. Faith is “action based on belief sustained by confidence”. According to Genesis 47:31, Jacob made Joseph “swear” to bury him in the promised land not Egypt. The moment we place our faith in Jesus Christ we begin an ‘odyssey of worship’ as born-again followers of Yeshua. Our faith is solid, knowing death is a transition, “to be absent from the body is to present with the Lord”. Our faith in God enables us to embrace the “temporary light afflictions” as promotions to greater Christlike glory! Jacob lived 17-years in Egypt, but he knew by faith and promise this was not his home, he was only passing through. Faith is a pilgrimage/odyssey from ‘faith to faith’, ‘strength to strength and ‘glory to glory’ (2 Cor.3:15-17).
A- Action
B- Belief
C- Confidence
Breath- You only need to be alive in Christ (Eph.2:5). Jacob was old and dying. Worship requires a pulse with an engaged will…let everything that hath breath praise the Lord and serve Him only! Worship transcends gender, age, race and geography (John 4:23-24).
A Family– Jesus said His Father seeks a community that is alive in the Spirit and living in the truth. Jacob, a father, blessed his sons. He “spoke well” of them, literally, eulogized them. Some of the words were tough but they flowed from a heart tuned to God’s Spirit to bless! A person with faith in God’s Son Jesus Christ and life born of the Holy Spirit have a spiritual genetic to bless not curse. We are a part of the family of God through the new birth. Further, we are a part of the family of humanity, a single race, made in the image of God. Go and bless, speak well, speak goodness and bring prophetic grace to those around you!
A Weakness- Jacob was a dying cripple. Retirement would have been an unheard of concept to him. Likely, he could not easily bow down to earth because of the hip that was broken by God Himself during a wrestling match. Worshipper’s embrace their weakness and lean on God because they know they are weak but He is ever so strong. Someone has said, “never trust a man without a limp.” The “staff” Jacob was carrying was not a walking stick, though it served that purpose. The “staff” was a Patriarchal symbol of authority. Yet, with all the experience, wisdom, respect, and authority Jacob commanded, he fully surrendered to His God, the God of His fathers. Humility Is the one of the most crucial dispositions of those who are doing God’s work. Our sturdiness is grounded in the character and promises of God and His word not in our health, wealth or pedigree.
In conclusion, worship does not need physical sight but don’t be fooled; it sees with the eyes of the heart what is invisible, eternal and unshakeable…Faith diligently seeks, sees and worships the Creator and Redeemer of all things visible and invisible (Heb.11:1-3). This is a unique season to recover a SEEKING heart, our SIGHT our VISION of God who is high and lifted up above the stormy circumstances. Isaiah, saw the Lord in the year King Uzziah died (Isa.6). Worship sets the resonance in the midst of tragedy or irreplaceable loss. Perhaps the leadership, the mission priority or the team we expect or feel entitled to in our homes, in our churches, in our businesses, in our government, in our communities must be removed and replaced? Change and radical transition can solicit a much needed reset or repentance. Regardless of the results, we should refocus on the One who is worthy of all our worship and service. You be the judge…you be the servant-leader that is needed… this is your ship…you may not be in control but you can determine the tone of the conversation, the focus of the mission and the culture of the community! You belong to God and He accepts and loves your service!
True Worshippers Stand in the Storm with Courage, Swim for Shore with Hope after the Shipwreck and Shake off the Serpents into the Fire of God’s Love!!!
Enjoy A Song of Worship in Hebrew (click below) as you open your heart to the Sacred Call to Worship and Serve the Lord God!